Product Extra Tabs

Tabs additional information on products

Facilitates the purchase process of your customers by providing additional informational tabs on your products.

It offers all the additional information that your customers need, with this module will not have more limitations for changing tabs.

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📑 What is the Product Extra Tabs module for PrestaShop?

Product Extra Tabs
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The Product Extra Tabs module allows you to add informational tabs to the different products of an Online store or eCommerce.

As you will know, Prestashop tan solo has a section of general information, which many times fall off to show all the information we want to potential new customers, and which, many times, is crucial information.

Product Extra Tabs
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What features does the Product Extra Tabs module offer?

This module has been designed with a broad compatibility in mind and has a wide range of functions available.

The most outstanding features of Product Extra Tabs are:

Adding fully configurable products

Product Extra Tabs are configurable to the maximum. On the ground, they can be grouped by categories, manufacturers or suppliers, without importing the number, but they can be drawn to show them horizontally, vertically or accordion.

You can also show global or generic tabs on all products in a specific category or on all articles in all categories.

Also, if you like it, you can also include multimedia content as images or videos to make the most dynamic thanks to the TinyMCE editor. The only limitation is your imagination and your design needs.

Specific contents

If you need certain tabs to be visible to some users, there is no problem. In this way, each customer will be able to see the information that the provider wanted that visualization.

You can even have exclusive tabs for some suppliers or the function of some determined combination of parameters that select the customer.

Order tabs as needed

The tabs do not have to follow a pre-established order. Only you will be responsible for deciding what order you want to be visualized, dragging and dropping (drag & drop).

In this way, you will be able to establish a concrete sequence so that you have more impact in the face of a possible sale. I improve your results through experimentation (the order can only be exchanged between the created tabs, native tabs cannot be ordered).

Integrated search engine

Thanks to the search engine that incorporates this module as part of the back office, you can search for the tabs you need without having to navigate a large number of pages. A remarkable time that will be noticed in the design.

Add an unlimited number of tabs to your products

Do you need 50 tabs? Who's 100? They are not a problem, but the system supports as many tabs as you need on your product sheets. The only limitation imposed by you is, of course, the needs that the client may have.

Activation and immediate deactivation

This feature allows you to activate and deactivate as many tabs as you need at the moment.

Let your customers ask questions

If you need to know certain information from your customers, you will be able to get exclusive exclusive contact type tab. A simple process of knowing your preferences, needs and trends.

A wide range of features that will benefit you a lot in time to sell, but you will be offering a solution for the lack of online platforms for sale, the lack of information.

Product Extra Tabs

A little more Product Extra Tabs

There are many reasons for implementing the Product Extra Tabs module, some of the most prominent ones are:

High level of personalization

The requirements and ways to show the information of the products in an Online store are multiple, but that, on the ground, you will be able to organize the best information that you change, in which you will be able to control how you change.

This module allows you to change the way you change product tabs to adapt to your eCommerce needs (in accordion, vertical or horizontal).

Easy implementation and management

The administration of the module is very easy, once installed in your PrestaShop, you can manage the different functionalities conveniently from your own administration panel.

Reduce the number of customer inquiries

Thanks to the increase in tabs on products, customers have more information and more information about the articles. In this way, you can reduce the number of queries from users and avoid saturating your customer service.

Improve conversion rates

In addition to offering more information about your products to customers, they facilitate the purchase process and are able to resolve your questions.

In this way, you increase the possibilities that users acquire your articles and improve conversion rates and sales.

Version history

4.1.4 (04/20/2023)
- Bug:
  - #PET-I4: Product autocomplete not working when creating content by feature.
  - #PET-I5: The module does not import/export the information of the contents created for tabs of type hook.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #PET-T26: Add hook type content by language.
  - #PET-T27: Option to replace or ignore existing content when importing content for tabs.
4.1.3 (10/03/2022)
- Bug:
  - #PET-I1: The Design settings doesn't work for 'Native horizontal' hook tabs.
  - #PET-I3: The module does not show the content created for the product from the 'Add massive content tabs' tab.
- New feature:
  - #PET-T7: Option to run a hook within a tab via the '  Add content tabs' tab.
  - #PET-T13: Change in the design of the tabs of the 'Vertical tabs' option.
  - #PET-T21: Option to Import/Export content through a CSV file.
  - #PET-T22: Change for performance improvement in content creation within product administration.
  - #PET-T23: Option to configure the border color of the selected tab and the background and font color of a tab when hovering over it.
4.1.1 (03/16/2022)
- Bug:
  - #PET-207: The module does not update existing content for a tab when saving it from the product configuration, it always creates a new one.
  - #PET-205: The module creates the contents as not visible when saving them from the product configuration.
  - #PET-204: The module does not display the content created from the 'Add massive content tabs' tab for All Products in All Categories.
  - #PET-203: The module does not display the tabs according to the order configured on the product page.
  - #PET-65: Visual error when selecting the horizontal Native design.
- Compatibilities:
  - #PET-202: Warehouse child theme - v1 - IQIT.
4.1.0 (10/27/2021)
- Bug:
  - #PET-188: Error when trying to modify the content created when the category is disabled.
  - #PET-184: Create content: Only allow 60 characters in the excluded products field.
  - #PET-122: Allows you to create tabs with the repeated internal name.
  - #PET-114:Show empty block when a product has no tabs to display.
  - #PET-113: Problem in some templates when loading content by combinations.
- New feature:
  - #PET-192: Allow enable/disable content of tabs in FrontOffice.
  - #PET-120: Index content of the tabs for the PrestaShop searcher.
  - #PET-111: Content creation: Allow content to be associated with more than one customer group.
  - #PET-87: Copy the content of the tabs when duplicating a product.
  - #PET-1: Multi-store: Allow content to be copied to other stores.
- Compatibilities:
  - #PET-123: ets_contactform7- v2.0.5 - by ETS-Soft.
  - #PET-121: child_panda - v1.0.0 - St-themes Team.
  - #PET-64: Template leo_jessie - V1.0.0 - Leotheme.
4.0.0 (08/23/2019)
[+] ADD: Se muestran los campos 'referencia' y 'grupo' en la lista de contenidos guardados para las pestañas.
[+] ADD: No permite guardar la configuración cuando el campo 'Ignorar selectores de módulos' tiene espacios o no empiezan por punto o numeral.
[+] ADD: Funcionalidad para añadir un identificador a las pestañas, éste puede ser utilizado para añadir contenido CSS personalizado o funciones javascript.
[+] ADD: Se añade validación para que el módulo no permita añadir contenido sin haber seleccionado un producto.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con el módulo leofeature - V2.1.6 de Leotheme.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con la plantilla 'technoshop'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con la plantilla 'biomarket'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con la plantilla 'ZOneTheme'.
[*] MOD: Actualización de guía de usuario.
[-] FIX: Cuando se cambiaba la combinación de un producto en el FrontOffice no mostraba la referencia, ean13, ISBN, código de barras UPC y stock del producto para esa combinación.
[-] FIX: Se eliminan las pestañas de tipo combinación de la lista desplegable al añadir contenido masivo.
[-] FIX: Se valida correctamente cada uno de los valores requeridos para una pestaña por combinación de producto.
[-] FIX: No se permite cambiar el tipo de pestaña si a la pestaña ya se le habia añadido contenido.
[-] FIX: Se manda el 'id_product' desde el PHP para evitar problemas de selectores de la plantilla al momento de enviar este ID.
[-] FIX: En algunos productos con combinación daba error 500 cuando se comprueba si la combinación elegida tiene contenido creado.
1.1.2 (07/09/2018)
[+] ADD: Added functionality to add content by feature and feature value in the 'Add content' tab
[-] FIX: Error 500 when saving the contents of a tab from the product page in the BackOffice
[-] FIX: Fixed bug, when there are combinations and you have selected the native design did not show the content for the combinations
1.1.0 (12/06/2017)
[+] ADD: Agregar contenido masivo por Productos.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de guias de usuario.
[-] FIX: Problema al listar tabs nativas.
[-] FIX: No permitia editar categorias desde el BackOffice.
[-] FIX: Solucion a problema menor cuando se actualizaba de version.
[-] FIX: No permitia guardar contenido por combinacion.
[-] FIX: Solucion al mostrar el contenido por combinacion en nativo horizontal.
1.0.1 (09/01/2017)
V1.0.1 (31/08/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con varias plantillas 1.7.
[*] MOD: Se actualiza la guia de usuario.
[-] FIX: Solucion a menores bugs reportados.
1.0.0 (02/22/2017)
V1.0.0 (21/02/2017)

- Nueva version para PrestaShop 1.7
2.2.7 (10/03/2022)
- New feature:
  - #PET-T20: Option to export the tabs in a CSV file.
2.2.6 (03/16/2022)
- Bug:
  - #PET-206: The module does not update existing content for a tab when saving it from the product settings, it always creates a new one.
2.2.5 (11/18/2021)
- Bug:
  - #PET-187: Error when trying to modify the content created when the category is disabled.
  - #PET-185: Create content: Only allow 60 characters in the excluded products field.
  - #PET-119: Allows you to create tabs with the repeated internal name.
- New feature:
  - #PET-117: Allow enable/disable content of tabs in FrontOffice.
  - #PET-95: Copy the content of the tabs when duplicating a product.
  - #PET-73: Content creation: Allow content to be associated with more than one customer group.
2.2.4 (08/23/2019)
[-] FIX: The contents of the tabs on the product page were shown duplicated when there is a multi-store.
[-] FIX: After the implementation of the internal name of the tabs, the content did not change when selecting a different tab when the 'Native horizontal' design is active, this only happened in some stores.
[+] ADD: Functionality so that customers can enter the internal name of the tabs.
2.2.2 (09/07/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module 'deluxelopd' - Innovadeluxe
[-] FIX: Fixed bug with the latest versions of PrestaShop 1.6, the contact tab did not send messages to the administrator
2.2.1 (06/07/2018)
[+] ADD: Add massive content by Features.
[+] ADD: Option to remove the content of the tabs in bulk.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the 'lgcomments' module - Graphic Line.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the template 'TrailMix'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the template 'OetN2017'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the template 'jms_notus'.
[*] MOD: Updating of user guides.
[-] FIX: Solution bug found when the module was in debug mode, said: 'tabs is not defined'.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug when creating massive content content for one or more products.
[-] FIX: Solution bug when listing manufacturers when it is multi-shop, the manufacturer repeats as many times as stores have installed.
2.2.0 (12/06/2017)
V2.2.0 (05/12/2017)

[+] ADD: Agregar contenido masivo por Productos.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con la plantilla 'theme1074'.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de guias de usuario.
[-] FIX: No eran ocultas las tabs de combinaciones sin contenido.
[-] FIX: Problema al hacer upgrades de versiones antiguas.
[-] FIX: Solucion a problemas menores en PrestaShop 1.5
2.1.0 (06/25/2017)
[-] FIX: Error javascript generado al mostrar las pestanas en el FrontOffice cuando no se ha creado contenido con nuestro modulo
[-] FIX: Problema de compatibilidad con el modulo: Comentarios sobre el producto.
[-] FIX: Bug al guardar contenido masivo para las pestanas
2.0.9 (03/01/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con la plantilla 'theme1266'.
[*] MOD: En la ficha de producto del backoffice ahora muestra solo los idiomas activos para la creacion de contenido.
[-] FIX: No era enviado el producto cuando se creaba un contacto desde la tab.
[-] FIX: No permitia editar contenido con la multi-tienda activa.
2.0.8 (11/02/2016)
V2.0.8 (01/11/2016)

[+] ADD: Opciones para cambiar colores a las tabs.
[*] MOD: Mejoras de rendimiento y codigo.
[-] FIX: En algunas versiones de PHP da error el modulo al instalarlo.
2.0.7 (10/26/2016)
V2.0.7 (25/10/2016)

[+] ADD: Ahora es posible ordenar entre las tabs del modulo y las nativas, para moverlas al inicio o al final.
[+] ADD: Posibilidad de crear contenido de tabs de forma masiva.
[*] MOD: Mejora en las compatibilidades con modulos y plantillas.
[-] FIX: Problema con tab de formulario de contacto.
2.0.6 (09/02/2016)
V2.0.6 (01/09/2016)

[*] MOD: Optimizacion de codigo.
[-] FIX: Solucion a varios problemas reportados con compatibilidades de modulos y plantillas.
[-] FIX: Problema de seguridad solucionado.
2.0.5 (07/20/2016)
[+] ADD: Traduccion al Polaco.
[*] MOD: Optimizacion de consultas SQL.
[*] MOD: Mejora en compatibilidad con PrestaShop Cloud.
[*] MOD: Compatibilidades con mas plantillas.
[-] FIX: Error al cambiar idiomas en contenido por combinaciones.
2.0.4 (05/04/2016)
- [ADD] Opcion para mostrar o no, tabs sin contenido.
- [MOD] Compatibilidades con mas plantillas.
- [MOD] Compatibilidades con modulos posicionados en la pagina de producto.
2.0.3 (03/07/2016)
- Mas opciones y muchas mas mejoras y compatibilidades con mas plantillas.
2.0.2 (12/14/2015)
- Mas opciones y muchas mas mejoras y compatibilidades con mas plantillas.