Last Minute OPC - Offers last minute

Last Minute OPC


Increase the conversions of your online store by offering promotions and discounts to your customers at the most important moment of the sales process.

Requirement: This module requires to have the One Page Checkout PS module installed to function and its latest version installed [minimum version v4.0.10 (PS 17) and v2.7.7 (PS 16)]

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35,00 €


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What is the Last Minute OPC module for PrestaShop?

The Last Minute OPC module allows you to configure as many offers as you want for your clients. In addition, you can show these promotions at the most important moment of the entire sales process, right in the final purchase step, which is when you usually receive more purchase and cart abandonments.

With this last minute offers module, you will drastically reduce abandonments, by being able to offer your customers an incentive to complete the purchase.

How does the Last Minute OPC module work?

Do you want to show your offers at the moment when users arrive at the checkout of your online store? Or do you prefer to do it when they select a shipping method?

With Last Minute OPC, you have complete freedom to configure alerts for your offers when they are best and most effective. In the promotions settings, you can add anything from free products to discount coupons or vouchers.

Features of the PrestaShop Last Minute OPC module

Last Minute OPC has a great variety of functionalities that revolve around the configuration of the pop-up window and everything related to it. The only essential requirement that must be met is to have the One Page Checkout PS module installed.

➤ Unlimited creation of promotions

The pop-up window is completely customizable and can have the look and function that you need at any time.

Not only will you be able to choose the moment in which you want it to be displayed, but you will also be able to configure the visual section. This module allows you to decide the maximum number of applications per user to the offer, the maximum number of applications to the offer, the minimum amount to access the offer and much more.

➤ Unlimited creation of promotions

With this module for your PrestaShop store, you will not have to worry about the number of promotions, since it allows you to create as many as you need. The system will take care of managing them in the most efficient way possible so that you only have to worry about designing the most appropriate last-minute offers strategy for your eCommerce.

➤ Unlimited rule creation

With Last Minute OPC, you can create as many rules as you want and with the complexity you need. Depending on the category, the supplier and even the manufacturer. In this way, you can customize the promotion for each client.

➤ You decide the period of validity of the offer

This is a very important feature for your business. You just have to set the date on which you want the offer to cease to be valid and the system will take care of everything.

➤ Power and simplicity

The true power of this module lies in its simplicity. And you don't have to have technical knowledge to be able to use it correctly. Forget about developing endless lines of code or hiring a programmer to implement your ideas.

➤ High compatibility

This module is perfectly compatible with version 1.6 and 1.7 of PrestaShop.


➤ Integrated translation manager

By simply clicking on the "Translate" tab, the program allows you to easily make translations to the language you want.

➤ Editor Javascript & CSS

From the same configuration you will be able to overwrite/add CSS and Javascript rules, without the need to edit files in the module.

Last minute offer examples

  • Buy any product in category X and receive product Y as a gift.
  • If you buy product X you get free shipping.
  • All products from manufacturer X have a 15% discount when you buy 2 or more products.
  • Only from 10 to 20 August a 10% discount on products in category Y.

And these are just some of the options that this module allows you to do, the possibilities are endless, since the system accepts as many offers as you want.

An agile and simple way to further enhance some of your products. Thanks to Last Minute OPC and a good marketing strategy, in a short time you will be able to increase sales and increase the profits of your online store.

Last Minute OPC

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PrestaShop 1.7 & 8

v.4.0.1 (07/18/2023)

- Bug:
- #LMO-121: When applying the offer, the product is not added to the cart with the selected combination.
- #LMO-I4: The position of the offer changes each time the information is edited.
- #LMO-I5: Option to show the offer when selecting the payment method does not work correctly.
- #LMO-I6: Error when validating the visualization of the rule having configured a quantity limit by groups of "visiting" customers.
- New feature and improvement:
- #LMO-T5: The price of the product is displayed in the offer modal window.
- #LMO-T7: New "Design" tab to improve the appearance of the modal window with the offers and the block that shows the selected offer(s).
- #LMO-T8: Improvements in the configuration of optional products of the rule: You now have the possibility to establish the minimum and maximum number of products to select.
- Compatibilities:
- #LMO-T6: Compatibility: One Page Checkout PS - v5 - PresTeamShop S.A.S.

PrestaShop 1.6

v.2.1.1 (06/24/2020)

- Bug:
    - #LMO-2: Error in editing the action of a rule
    - #LMO-30: Offer rules apply even if they are eliminated
    - #LMO-31: When a license is validated, it shows the module configuration and continues showing the validator
    - #LMO-32: Does not allow editing and saving a rule
    - #LMO-35: Add module compatibility in multi-store
    - #LMO-37: Error in the 'MORE INFORMATION' button
    - #LMO-43: Errors in the parameter Products on offer
    - #LMO-61: Show a default combination without having selected it
    - #LMO-64: Allows you to make the purchase without having available the combination of the offer
    - #LMO-67: Does not show rule name in some languages
    - #LMO-79: When accepting the offer and giving 'Yes, Thank you' it shows the message of not adding products to the offer
    - #LMO-94: It is not validated that the field quantity of products on offer is greater than zero (0)
    - #LMO-106: Do not show message for product on offer not optional
- Improvement:
    - #LMO-3: Add the Translate tabs to the menu, Code editor, Suggestions
    - #LMO-8: Informational icon for Test mode field
    - #LMO-27: Do not allow special characters in Internal Name field
    - #LMO-52: Module Structure Update
    - #LMO-75: Validate in the creation of the rule that a voucher or offer products are added
    - #LMO-85: In the Rules tab, the 'Description' field is not mandatory
    - #LMO-88: Add button to stop receiving offers during the purchase when showing an offer
    - #LMO-90: Validation of numeric characters in fields with quantities
    - #LMO-107: Add quantity field in the frontoffice when the offer is shown
    - #LMO-83: Validate that the discount code exists before saving the rule

v.1.0.1 (12/05/2017)

- New version for PrestaShop 1.5 & 1.6

PrestaShop 1.7

v.4.0.0 (06/24/2020)

- New version for PrestaShop 1.7

Ratings and comments from our customers

Ratings and comments from our customers

 -   (Севлиево, Bulgaria)
The support is great, as all the modules. Thanks for all.
 -   (Brescia, Italy)
Ottimo modulo, ben fatto, scritto bene e supporto clienti ottimo e veloce nel rispondere. professionisti nel settore
 -   (Santiago, Chile)
Modulo funcional y servicio de post venta fantástico
 -   (Torredelcampo, Spain)
La idea es buena, pero el módulo fallaba en muchas características esenciales para su funcionamiento (Ej:seleccionar combinaciones de productos) que se han recomendado y gracias al buen soporte, resuelto. Negativo: abono semestral del 50% de su coste.

Cada tienda es un mundo, puede que quizás puedan existir incompatibilidades, nada es perfecto, pero para eso siempre cuenta con nuestro soporte y actualizaciones para casos como este. Las actualizaciones y soporte en addons prestashop solo son 3 meses, con nosotros es 6 meses y te damos un descuento del 50% si deseas renovar.

 -   (Pasto, Colombia)
Saludos, me gusta la funcionalidad presentada, quisiera saber si este modulo permitiria hacer ventas cruzadas es decir si en el checkout pemite mostrar productos para la venta de una X categoria.