Shipping Configurator Pro

Transportes avanzados

Mejora el servicio de entrega de productos de tu tienda gestionando más eficientemente a los transportistas y ofreciendo más opciones a tus clientes.

Crea y configura transportistas para tu eCommerce en función del país, ciudad y/o provincia que te interese.

70,00 €

Conoce más de cerca nuestro modulo y compra seguro.

🚚 ¿Qué es el módulo Shipping Configurator Pro para PrestaShop?

Shipping Configurator Pro
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El módulo Shipping Configurator Pro te permite simplificar el proceso de configuración de los transportistas de tu tienda Online en PrestaShop. Tus clientes podrán elegir un gran abanico de transportes disponibles y precios configurados en función de su ubicación.

Gestionar el envío de los productos de tu eCommerce es más fácil y cómodo con esta extensión, ya que evitas tener que trabajar con las opciones limitadas y difíciles de entender del configurador de PrestaShop que viene por defecto.

Shipping Configurator Pro
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¿Qué funcionalidades ofrece el módulo Shipping Configurator Pro?

A continuación te enumeramos algunas de las principales funcionalidades de este módulo:

Creación de: transportistas, países, ciudades y provincias/estados.

Asignación de: países, ciudades, provincias y grupos a los transportistas creados.

Configuración de los valores. para cada transportista en un rango de precio o peso.

Uso de la tecnología GeoNames. Importa automáticamente las ciudades usando la tecnología GeoNames.

Diseño responsive. Permite tener la total seguridad de que este módulo se va a ver perfectamente adaptado a cualquier dispositivo.

No requiere conocimientos de programación. Solo tienes que instalarlo y configurarlo para comenzar a trabajar con él. No tendrás que programar nada y en pocos minutos lo tendrás operativo.

Gestor de traducciones integrado. Está preparado con una pestaña "Traducir" para que puedas fácilmente traducirlo al idioma que quieras.

Shipping Configurator Pro

Un poco más de Shipping Configurator Pro

Existen un gran número de ventajas para los comerciantes y para los clientes al usar el módulo Shipping Configurator Pro, las más destacadas son:

Beneficios para el comerciante:

  • Crea grupos de ciudades principales y secundarias para asignarlas a tus transportistas.

Beneficios para el cliente:

  • Gran variedad al elegir transportistas.
  • Precios ajustados para las distintas ubicaciones.
  • Instalación sencilla desde el gestor de módulos de PrestaShop.
  • No requiere edición de código ni conocimientos de programación.
  • Fácil administración y configuración desde su propio panel.

Recuerda que la configuración por zonas de PrestaShop, ya no es necesario.

Historial de versiones

Registro de cambios
4.0.9 (13/06/2024)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-I7: Multi-store: The error has been fixed where, when importing content from the 'Import' tab, the city was not created in the selected store if it already existed in another store.
  - #SCP-I8: Multi-store: The error has been fixed where modifying a carrier from the module would remove the carrier's association with other stores.
  - #SCP-I9: Multi-store: The error has been fixed where modifying a shipment from the module would remove the shipment's association with other stores.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #SCP-T6: Multi-store: The functionality to configure the module from 'All stores' has been added.
- Compatibilities:
  - #SCP: tpvtienda - v4.9.1 - Alejandro Lozano - The carrier for the module was not loading.
  - #SCP-T7: One Page Checkout & Social Login - v2.7.4 - de PrestaHero.
4.0.8 (25/07/2023)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-I6: The process of importing the cities in multistore did not work correctly.
4.0.7 (17/07/2023)
- Bug:
  - #SCP: The module does not load the cities when changing the country in the invoice address form.
  - #SCP-I3: The module ignores the shipping settings in the module when displaying the available carriers.
  - #SCP-I4: The module ignores the free shipping settings saved in the carriers preferences.
- Compatibilities:
  - #SCP: Compatibility with PrestaShop 8.
  - #SCP-T2: Compatibility: One Page Checkout PrestaShop - v5 - PresTeamShop.
4.0.6 (15/06/2022)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-204: Error thrown by the module when adding a new country from the Location tab.
4.0.5 (10/02/2022)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-195: The module saves the cities with inactive status when importing them.
  - #SCP-194: The autocomplete of cities in the One Page Checkout PS registration form does not work.
  - #SCP-190: The module does not include the custom CSS styles added in the module's override.css option.
  - #SCP-187: Multistore: The module does not allow to activate/desactivate the groups for each store.
  - #SCP-184: The module does not correctly display the text set for free shipping on some pages.
  - #SCP-182: The module does not respect the configured shipping costs when changing the carrier of an order or creating a new order in BO.
- Compatibilities:
  - #SCP-192: One Page Checkout PS 5.0 - PresTeamShop.
4.0.4 (16/07/2021)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-189: Cities autocomplete does not work on address form.
4.0.3 (20/04/2021)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-169: Carriers are not shown in payment preferences and in the 'Ship to Pay' tab of the One Page Checkout PS module.
  - #SCP-164: Multi-store: The module does not import cities for some stores.
  - #SCP-161: It does not validate the restriction by zones for carriers that belong to other modules.
  - #SCP-158: Creation of orders with wrong carrier.
  - #scp-153: The module does not display the list of cities when the state field is disabled.
  - #SCP-150: Does not save information when updating shipping ranges.
  - #SCP-148: Error 500 when renaming or deleting the module folder without uninstalling it.
  - #SCP-115: The module does not allow accents when creating a city.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #SCP-152: Disable carrier by ranges when setting -1 value in shipment.
  - #SCP-118: Set up free shipping from a certain value.
  - #SCP-83: Validate that the same location and range type does not exist when creating a shipping rule.
- Compatibility:
  - #SCP-170: One Page Checkout PS - v4.0.15 - presteamshop: Integration with option Show amount remaining to qualify for free shipping.
4.0.2 (25/11/2020)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-132: It is not possible to delete all shipping ranges for a carrier.
  - #SCP-131: Allows you to configure shipping ranges for free carriers.
  - #SCP-121: Error entering the payment page after removing the module.
  - #SCP-120: Multi-store compatibility error when saving information in the Shipping tab.
  - #SCP-97: Errors when creating manual order from the BackOffice.
  - #SCP-92: It does not show available options when listing carriers in the Backoffice.
  - #SCP-88: Shows carriers when a shipment is not configured for the selected delivery address.
  - #SCP-84: Repeating cities can be added when editing a city group.
  - #SCP-58: Multi-store: It is not possible to activate or deactivate countries by store.
- Compatibility:
  - #SCP-111: One Page Checkout PS - v4.0.12 - presteamshop.
  - #SCP-90: Estimate Shipping Cost - v4.0.2 - PresTeamShop.
- New feature:
  - #SCP-125: Option to require the selection of a city only from the drop-down list of the address form.
  - #SCP-112: Option to replace text that is displayed when shipping from a carrier is free.
  - #SCP-86: Add test mode to the module.
4.0.1 (13/08/2020)
- Bug
  - #SCP-68: Error after importing CSV with strange and multiple characters called when creating an address without letting the address be written
  - #SCP-70: It does not matter all the cities of the API
  - #SCP-72: Show inactive cities in the FO
  - #SCP-75: Error uploading CSV file in the importer after downloading it from the module
  - #SCP-51: Error validating city and state form
  - #SCP-82: Poor visualization of the content of the City field on mobiles
- New feature and improvement
  - #SCP-21: Information on priorities in the 'shipping' tab
4.0.0 (21/07/2020)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-11: Error message when the country name was not filled out
  - #SCP-12: Error importing locations from country
  - #SCP-13: Validation for character content
  - #SCP-14: Error message when placing text in the url field
  - #SCP-28: Does not take group send settings
  - #SCP-29: Does not show horizontal scroll in shipping ranges
  - #SCP-39: Hide company field and show state field with countries that do not contain states
  - #SCP-41: Shows free shipping even if the SCP module is deactivated
  - #SCP-43: Message in module configuration for multi-store
  - #SCP-45: Carrier sample created in unselected store
  - #SCP-48: When the module is installed, the delivery modules that its own carriers handle stop working
  - #SCP-49: The shipping carrier is not shown at checkout when a carrier created with the module is activated in the product
  - #SCP-51: Validate city and state form
- Improvement:
  - #SCP-15: Validation of characters in the Postal Code Format field
  - #SCP-17: Add red asterisk in mandatory fields
  - #SCP-35: Change typeahead of the city field at checkout
- Compatibility:
  - # SCP-36: Warehouse template, does not show autocomplete list of cities at checkout
- New feature:
   - #SCP-59: Import cities and states to the module through CSV file
3.0.0 (15/03/2019)
New version PrestaShop 1.7
2.0.8 (01/03/2022)
- Bug
  - #SCP-203: Multistore: Error when adding a product to the cart in the store(s) where the module is desactivated.
  - #SCP-199: The module does not respect the shipping costs configured when creating or changing the carrier of an order from the BackOffice.
  - #SCP-198: Multi-store: The module does not allow to activate/desactivate groups for each store individually.
  - #SCP-191: The module does not include customized CSS styles added in the override.css option of the module.
  - #SCP-183: The 'Default Carrier' option in the Transport > Preferences tab does not work with unregistered customers.
  - #SCP-181: The shipments configured for the carrier disappear after updating it from the Transport section.
- New feature and improvement
  - #SCP-201: Option to massively delete and desactivate groups and cities.
  - #SCP-200: Option to activate/desactivate cities and groups directly from the list.
  - #SCP-186: Improvement in the functionality of the 'Restrict to configured cities' option.
2.0.7 (20/04/2021)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-165: Multi-store: It does not import cities in some stores.
  - #SCP-163: The module does not allow accents when creating a city.
  - #SCP-162: The module does not validate the restriction by zones for carriers belonging to other modules.
  - #SCP-154: The module does not display the list of cities when the state field is disabled.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #SCP-159: Set up free shipping from a certain value.
  - #SCP-157: Disable carrier by ranges when setting -1 value in shipment.
  - #SCP-139: Validate that the same location and range type does not exist when creating a shipping rule.
- Compatibilities:
  - #SCP-172: One Page Checkout PS - v2.8.2 - PresTeamShop: Integration with option 'Show amount remaining to qualify for free shipping'.
2.0.6 (24/11/2020)
- Bug
  - #SCP-133: It is not possible to delete all shipping ranges for a carrier.
  - #SCP-123: Error entering the payment page after removing the module.
  - #SCP-108: Errors when creating manual order from the BackOffice.
  - #SCP-101: Repeating cities can be added when editing a city group.
  - #SCP-100: Shows all cities regardless of the pre-selected state.
  - #SCP-93: It does not show the store carriers in the Backoffice.
  - #SCP-89: Shows carriers when a shipment is not configured for the selected delivery address.
  - #SCP-85: Allows you to configure shipping ranges for free carriers.
  - #SCP-62: Multi-store compatibility error when saving information in the Shipping tab.
- Compatibilities
  - #SCP-91: Estimate Shipping Cost - v2.0.7 - PresTeamShop.
- New feature
  - #SCP-116: Option to require the selection of a city only from the drop-down list of the address form.
  - #SCP-99: Add test mode to the module.
2.0.5 (13/08/2020)
- Bug
  - #SCP-69: Error after importing CSV with strange and multiple characters called when creating an address without letting the address be written
  - #SCP-71: It does not matter all the cities of the API
  - #SCP-73: Show inactive cities in the FO
  - #SCP-76: Error uploading CSV file in the importer after downloading it from the module
  - #SCP-6: Error validating city and state form
  - #SCP-87: Poor visualization of the content of the City field on mobiles
2.0.4 (21/07/2020)
- Bug:
  - #SCP-6: Validate city and state form
  - #SCP-30: Shows free shipping for all carriers even if the SCP module is disabled
  - #SCP-38: Does not show horizontal scroll in shipping ranges
  - #SCP-40: Hide company field and show state field with countries that do not contain states
  - #SCP-42: Error importing locations from country
  - #SCP-44: Message in module configuration for multi-store
  - #SCP-46: Carrier sample created in store not selected
  - #SCP-50: The shipping carrier is not shown at checkout when a carrier created with the module is activated in the product
- Improvement:
  - #SCP-35: Change typeahead of the city field at checkout
- New feature:
  - #SCP-60: Import cities and states to the module through CSV file
2.0.3 (14/03/2019)
[+] ADD: Create the provinces of the countries that PrestaShop does not import.
[+] ADD: Validation is added for countries with the same zip code is not duplicated.
[*] MOD: Problem loading in the javascript events of the city field.
[*] MOD: Override handling is changed.
[*] MOD: When updating transports in the backoffice, now update the transport id in our module so as not to lose the configuration.
[-] FIX: When cities were shared between groups, transportation was not returned.
[-] FIX: When modifying an address, it did not load the auto-complete of the cities.
[-] FIX: Problem when importing provinces.
[-] FIX: Problem when importing the cities of Colombia, because it falls to the city Bogotá without being able to use.
[-] FIX: When editing an address which only has one department or province the autocomplete did not display any option when modifying the city.
[-] FIX: It showed duplicate countries in Multi-store.
[-] FIX: When the module is installed and the carriers are configured from the module but it goes to the transporters section and information is saved, then, no information is configured for the transporter from the module.
[-] FIX: Allows you to return and select again country, state and city.
[-] FIX: Validate that the URL is valid carrier.
[-] FIX: The postal code format is validated in the Location -> Countries tab.
2.0.0 (12/12/2017)
New version for PrestaShop 1.5 & 1.6