Estimate Shipping Cost
Calcular coste de envío en la página de producto
Transmite transparencia y confianza a tus clientes con el módulo para calcular los costes de envío Estimate Shipping Cost para PrestaShop.
Ayuda a tus clientes a conocer de antemano los costes de envío antes de añadir el producto al carrito.
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🚚 ¿Qué es el módulo Estimate Shipping Cost para PrestaShop?
Estimate Shipping Cost es un módulo de PrestaShop que sirve para ofrecer a tus clientes una calculadora de costes de envío directamente en la ficha de tus productos.
Gracias a esta herramienta, tus usuarios sabrán en todo momento el coste de envío de los productos, de esta forma, evitas que tengan sorpresas al descubrir el precio final.
Además, con este módulo, ofreces a tus clientes una imagen de transparencia y profesionalidad, ya que sabrán el precio final de la compra antes de empezar a tramitarla.
Funcionalidades del módulo “Estimate Shipping Cost”
Estimate Shipping Cost nos permite incluir un botón en la ficha de producto, el cual, sirve para conocer los gastos de envío de nuestro pedido.
Esta calculadora de costes de envío, tiene en cuenta tres variables, como son: el país de destino, la provincia y la ciudad o el código postal. Con estos datos, el sistema será capaz de realizar el cálculo.
Todo ello, gracias a una configuración muy sencilla que incluye los siguientes aspectos:
Popup en javascript para mostrar los costes de envío
Podrás ver toda la información en la ficha de producto, sin tener que recargar la página, pedir al usuario que se registre o que añada el producto al carrito.
Personalizar el botón para calcular los costes de envío
El botón emergente que se incluye en la ficha de producto es totalmente personalizable. Podrás modificar el color del propio botón, el color del texto así como los bordes del mismo para hacerlo más atractivo de cara al cliente.
Calcular el gasto de envío en función del número de productos
Este módulo, te da la posibilidad de incluir una caja de texto en la que podrás variar la cantidad de los artículos, de esta forma, el precio del transporte se modifica en función de esa cantidad.
Ofrecer una estimación de entrega
El cliente sabrá en todo momento una estimación de los días que tardará su pedido en llegar.
Campos a solicitar al cliente totalmente configurables
Los campos que el sistema va a solicitar al cliente son perfectamente configurables en el backoffice de PrestaShop. Además, no es necesario ningún tipo de registro por lo que la consulta de los gastos de envío se puede hacer sin ninguna clase de compromiso.
Gestor de traducciones integrado
Está preparado con una pestaña "Traducir" para que puedas fácilmente traducirlo al idioma que quieras.
Gracias a todas estas funcionalidades, podrás ofrecer algo que otros proveedores no ofrecen a sus clientes; una información completa, veraz y actualizada al momento de conocer el coste total del pedido.
Además, el cliente también podrá detectar cómo ahorrar algo de dinero al poder variar el lugar de recepción del mismo o la empresa que va a llevar a cabo el transporte.
Un poco más de Estimate Shipping Cost
¿Por qué utilizar el módulo de gastos de envío “Estimate Shipping Cost”?
Existen muchos motivos para utilizar el módulo Estimate Shipping Cost, algunos de los más destacados son:
➤ Agiliza el proceso
Con este módulo para tiendas Online en PrestaShop, permites que el cliente conozca el precio final del producto de forma rápida y sencilla, solamente insertando un botón en la ficha de producto.
➤ Transparencia con el usuario
Siguiendo con el compromiso, el cliente, antes de efectuar el pago, e incluso antes de incluir el producto en cuestión en el carrito, puede consultar tantas veces como quiera, y con todas las variables imaginables, sus gastos de envío.
De esta manera, el usuario sabrá en todo momento cuánto cuesta en cada caso los gastos de envío y, de esta forma, tu tienda Online transmitirá transparencia y fiabilidad.
➤ Facilidad de instalación
Esta es sin duda la principal virtud de Estimate Shipping Cost. Solo tienes que instalarlo y configurarlo para comenzar a trabajar con él. No tendrás que programar nada y en pocos minutos lo tendrás operativo.
Historial de versiones
- Bug: - #ESC: Fixed bug on mobile devices that hid the close button of the modal window when browsing. - #ESC: Error resolved when calculating shipping for a product with a minimum purchase quantity configured. - #ESC: Error resolved in the FrontOffice where the 'Allow to calculate shipping including products from the cart' option was not functioning correctly. The 'Include cart products' field was displayed regardless of whether the option was enabled. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC: Option to collapse shipping calculation form on mobile devices. - #ESC: 'Allow to change the carrier' option, which allows you to change the carrier based on the results of the shipping calculation made from the cart page. - #ESC: Option to configure the shipping information that will be displayed after selecting a carrier, including country, state and/or city. - #ESC: Link to remove the customer-associated addresses from the module. - #ESC-T2: Functionality to allow shipping to be calculated on other store pages. - Compatibilities: - #ESC: Compatibility with PrestaShop 8. - #ESC: thecheckout - v3.3.5 - PrestaSmart - #ESC: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.9 - PresTeamShop S.A.S: When opening the modal window, the data preselected when the carrier was applied was not auto-populated in the form. - #ESC-T18: One Page Checkout PS - v4.2.3 (Checkout v5) - PresTeamShop.
v4.0.9 (06/27/2023) - New feature and improvement: - #ESC: Option to collapse the shipping calculation form by default on mobile devices.
- Bug: - #ESC: The module does not show all available carriers when the area of the selected province is different from that of the country.
- Bug: - #ESC-I2: The module does not show the correct number of estimated days configured for a carrier in 'All countries'. - #ESC-I4: The module does not allow adding special characters in the city field. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC: Polish translation added. - #ESC-T4: Option 'Calculate shipping on cart page'. - #ESC-T5: Option to choose the hook to display the shipping calculation button. - Compatibilities: - #ESC-I1: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.6 - PresTeamShop. - #ESC-T6: thecheckout - v3.3.5 - PrestaSmart. - #ESC-T9: Shipping fees based on zipcodes - v2.0.3 - MARICHAL Emmanuel: Compatibility with 'Show minimum shipping cost based on country' option.
- Bug: - #ESC-201: The module changes the setting of the product when it is out of stock to 'Allow orders'. - #ESC-199: The module stops working when the store's default country is disabled. - #ESC-195: The module does not show carrier description on mobile devices. - #ESC-192: The module shows the information and price of the carrier applied even in the products for which the carrier does not apply. - #ESC-190: The module changes the country of the store when calculating the shipment even when the option 'Change the country when a carrier is selected ' is disabled. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-193: Improve module load performance. - Compatibilities: - #ESC-160: Compatibility with FireFox on Android device.
- Bug: - #ESC-174: Incorrect shipping calculation when loading product page. - #ESC-167: Shows the 'Calculate shipping cost' button even if the product is not available for orders. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-176: Option to include the products in the cart when calculating the shipping costs. - #ESC-170: Option 'Test mode'. - #ESC-164: Option to enable/disable the automatic calculation of the shipment when opening the modal window. - #ESC-162: Visual improvement in the shipping calculation form on mobile devices. - #ESC-157: Option to require the City and Postal Code fields. - #ESC-151: Autocomplete data in the shipping calculation form according to the cart address. - #ESC-6: Option to show a contact form when there are no available carriers. - Compatibilities: - #ESC-166: Deluxe Tienda Privada - v2.1.5 - innovadeluxe.
- Bug: - #ESC-139: The module creates empty addresses and shopping carts without information. - #ESC-136: It does not apply automatic discounts with free shipping when calculating the cost of shipping. - #ESC-128: It does not show the estimated delivery days for the carrier in the final cart summary. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-142: Improvements in the usability of the popup for calculating shipping. - #ESC-138: Option to show the minimum shipping cost according to the country. - #ESC-133: Option to show/hide estimated delivery column. - #ESC-126: Option to not show the 'Calculate shipping cost' button on certain products. - #ESC-48: Configure carriers so that they are not shown in the shipment calculation. - #ESC-8: Preselect data in the address form within the payment page. - Compatibilities: - #ESC-153: leo_otis - v1.0.0 - Leotheme: Does not show 'Calculate shipping cost' button on product page. - #ESC-141: autolanguagecurrency - v2.7.1 - idnovate. - #ESC-130: Advanced Product Configurator - v1.1.2 - Yopixel. - #ESC-78: rg_chilexpress - v2.4.4 - Rolige.
- Bug - #ESC-94: The columns 'Description' and 'Order total' are shown even if the options are disabled. - #ESC-96: Does not calculate shipping cost based on selected product combination. - #ESC-97: It does not update the shipping cost applied when the combination of the product changes. - #ESC-100: By pressing the module help icon on the product page, it redirects the customer to the cart. - #ESC-101: In some templates the cart is empty when entering the product page. - #ESC-106: It is not possible to delete records from the 'Estimated delivery settings' tab. - #ESC-107: The option 'Change the country when a carrier is selected' does not work. - #ESC-111: Multi-store: It is not possible to configure estimated delivery days per store for the carrier. - #ESC-114: Some options on the Design tab do not work. - New feature and improvement - #ESC-114: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button color'. - #ESC-114: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button text color'. - #ESC-114: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button border color'.
- Bug - #ESC-56: Does not show the carrier cost with the currency of the selected country - #ESC-58: It does not allow to select another province - #ESC-62: Shipping cost different from that of the popup after currency conversion - #ESC-84: Allows to apply the country even if it does not have associated carriers - #ESC-74: Always shows shipping cost including taxes - New feature and improvement - #ESC-45: AliExpress style quick view - Compatibilities - #ESC-81: shippingconfiguratorpro - v4.0.2 - PresTeamShop
- Bug: - #ESC-41: Error on the order page when setting an estimated delivery time. - New feature: - #ESC-38: Options for changing store currency when adding a product to the cart.
- Bug: - #ESC-4: Displays the button 'Calculate Delivery Cost' virtual products. - #ESC-33: It allows updating the module version when there are overrides. - #ESC-35: Allows you to disable the Show country option when there is more than one active country. - Compatibilidad módulo: - #R-44: rg_starken - V2.4.4 - Rolige. - #R-42: onepagecheckoutps - V4.0.2 - PresTeamShop: Shows estimated delivery time of the carrier. - Nueva caracteristica: - #ESC-5: Estimated delivery days by ranges. - #ESC-19: Displays the estimated delivery time of the carrier at the PrestaShop checkout. - Mejora: - #ESC-7: Warning message when the 'Quote only on checkout page' option is active in the Rolige modules. - #ESC: New message when the product does not reach the minimum quantity. - #ESC-3: Validate zip code format by country.
V1.0.4 (12/10/2018) [*] MOD: Visual improvement in some templates. [*] MOD: Visual change of module administration. [*] MOD: Update of the user guide.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug: not all carriers were shown in the estimated delivery configuration form. [-] FIX: Fixed bug, when a product has no combinations it was not possible to calculate the estimated shipping. [-] FIX: Fixed bug in the tab 'Estimated delivery settings', after updating a carrier saves repeated data, does not update them. [+] ADD: Validation is added to only allow letters in the city field.
V1.0.2 (08/03/2018) [+] ADD: Compatibility with the template: warehouse. [*] MOD: The visibility of the table of estimated costs in mobile devices is improved.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module rg_chilexpress (Rolige v1.4.3). [*] MOD: Now you can add estimated days per carrier from the estimated delivery date.
- New version for PrestaShop 1.7
- Bug: - #ESC-I3: The module does not show the correct number of estimated days configured for a carrier in 'All countries'. - #ESC-I4: The module does not allow adding special characters in the city field.
- Bug: - #ESC-206: The module changes the setting of the product when it is out of stock to 'Allow orders'. - #ESC-200: The module stops working when the store's default country is disabled. - #ESC-196: The module does not show carrier description on mobile devices. - #ESC-191: The module changes the country of the store when calculating the shipment even when the option 'Change the country when a carrier is selected ' is disabled. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-194: Improve module load performance. - Compatibilities: - #ESC-197: One Page Checkout PS - v2.5.0 - PresTeamShop: Error when going to the payment page in versions lower than 2.5.0.
- Bug: - #ESC-175: Incorrect shipping calculation when loading product page. - #ESC-168: Shows the 'Calculate shipping cost' button even if the product is not available for orders. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-177: Option to include the products in the cart when calculating the shipping costs. - #ESC-172: Option to require the City and Postal Code fields. - #ESC-171: Option 'Test mode'. - #ESC-163: Visual improvement in the shipping calculation form on mobile devices. - #ESC-161: Option to enable/disable the automatic calculation of the shipment when opening the modal window. - #ESC-152: Option to show a contact form when there are no available carriers.
- Bug: - #ESC-140: The module creates empty addresses and shopping carts without information. - #ESC-137: It does not apply automatic discounts with free shipping when calculating the cost of shipping. - New feature and improvement: - #ESC-149: Preselect data in the address form within the payment page. - #ESC-144: Option to show the minimum shipping cost according to the country. - #ESC-143: Improvements in the usability of the popup for calculating shipping. - #ESC-135: Option to show/hide estimated delivery column. - #ESC-131: Configure carriers so that they are not shown in the shipment calculation. - #ESC-127: Option to not show the 'Calculate shipping cost' button on certain products.
- Bug - #ESC-95: The columns 'Description' and 'Order total' are shown even if the options are disabled. - #ESC-99: It does not update the shipping cost applied when the combination of the product changes. - #ESC-105: By pressing the module help icon on the product page, it redirects the customer to the cart. - #ESC-119: Multi-store: It is not possible to configure estimated delivery days per store for the carrier. - #ESC-122: Some options on the Design tab do not work. - New feature and improvement - #ESC-122: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button color'. - #ESC-122: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button text color'. - #ESC-122: Option 'Calculate Shipping Cost button border color'.
- Bug - #ESC-59: It does not allow to select another province - #ESC-63: Shipping cost different from that of the popup after currency conversion - #ESC-87: Allows to apply the country even if it does not have associated carriers - #ESC-71: Does not update the estimated delivery days when changing the delivery address - #ESC-73: Always shows shipping cost including taxes - New feature and improvement - #ESC-52: AliExpress style quick view - Compatibilities - #ESC-82: shippingconfiguratorpro - v2.0.6 - PresTeamShop
- New feature: - #ESC-39: Options to change the store currency when adding a product to the cart.
- Bug: - #ESC-4: Displays the button 'Calculate Delivery Cost' virtual products. - #ESC-21: Compatibility issues related to bootstrap. - #ESC-26: Allows you to install the module in a version of PrestaShop 1.7. - #ESC-26: It allows updating the module version when there are overrides. - #ESC-34: Allows you to disable the Show country option when there is more than one active country. - Compatibilidad módulo: - #ESC: rg_starken - V2.4.4 - Rolige. - #ESC-2: onepagecheckoutps - V2.7.0 - PresTeamShop: Shows estimated delivery time of the carrier. - Nueva caracteristica: - #ESC-10: Estimated delivery days by ranges. - #ESC-20: Displays the estimated delivery time of the carrier at the PrestaShop checkout. - Mejora: - #ESC-7: Warning message when the 'Quote only on checkout page' option is active in the Rolige modules. - #ESC-17: New message when the product does not reach the minimum quantity. - #ESC-18: Validate zip code format by country.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the dynamicproducts module. [+] ADD: Compatibility with the template: warehouse. [*] MOD: The add to cart button to the popup remains hidden until the customer clicks the calculate button and available shipping options are found. [-] FIX: Fixed compatibility bug with module chile xpress from Rolige (v 1.4.1). [-] FIX: When the quantity field was not shown and the product was added to the cart, it was empty because the quantity was taken as 0. [*] MOD: The visibility of the table of estimated costs in mobile devices is improved. [-] FIX: Fixed bug, with some stores does not work autocomplete. [+] ADD: Validation is added to allow only letters in the city field. [*] MOD: Visual improvement in some templates. [*] MOD: Update of the user guide. [-] FIX: Fixed bug in the 'Estimated delivery configuration' tab, after updating a carrier it allowed saving repeated data.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug, with some stores does not work autocomplete.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the dynamicproducts module. [+] ADD: Compatibility with the template: warehouse. [*] MOD: The add to cart button to the popup remains hidden until the customer clicks the calculate button and available shipping options are found. [-] FIX: Fixed compatibility bug with module chile xpress from Rolige (v 1.4.1). [-] FIX: When the quantity field was not shown and the product was added to the cart, it was empty because the quantity was taken as 0. [*] MOD: The visibility of the table of estimated costs in mobile devices is improved.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module rg_chilexpress (Rolige v1.4.1). [*] MOD: Now you can add estimated days per carrier from the estimated delivery date. [*] MOD: Now hide the column of estimated days if nothing is configured. [-] FIX: Fixed bug when calculating estimated shipping and the carrier is free, shows the total of products as free. [-] FIX: Fixed problem with the bootstrap in some PrestaShop templates.
[+] ADD: Possibility of adding the estimated delivery days by transport, country, province, postal code and city. [+] ADD: Option to show a field to change the quantities of the product and know its shipping value. [+] ADD: Option to show a button to add the product to the cart. [+] ADD: Option to filter the list of countries and states, to facilitate your search.
[+] ADD: Option to show or not, the total shipping costs per carrier adding the price of the product.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with 'DHL' carrier module. [-] FIX: If the postal code was not sent to a country that needed it, it gave a problem.
[+] ADD: Option to show or not the city selection to calculate the shipping.
[-] FIX: When there was only one country was shown, it was not selected and did not let it be the calculation. [-] FIX: If it was to disable displaying the country, the country was not used by default giving error.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module 'hsmultiaccessoriespro'. - [MOD] Modification of some texts in English.