Abandoned Cart OPC

Convierta carritos abandonados en pedidos

¡Incrementa tus ventas y no dejes que se te escape ningún carrito abandonado!

Ponte en contacto con aquellos clientes que se hayan olvidado un carrito abandonado con productos en tu tienda Online. Ayúdales a completar sus compras recordándoles que tienen productos pendientes.

Requisito: Éste módulo requiere tener instalado el módulo One Page Checkout PS para funcionar y su última versión instalada [versión mínima v4.0.12 (PS 1.7) y v2.7.9 (PS 1.6)]

35,00 €
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🛒 ¿Qué es el módulo Abandoned Cart OPC para carritos abandonados?

Abandoned Cart OPC
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Con el módulo Abandoned Cart OPC para PrestaShop, sabrás toda la información detallada de los carritos abandonados de tus clientes. Además, te permite contactar con los usuarios vía email para recordarles que tienen compras pendientes.

Abandoned Cart OPC es un módulo que te ayuda a incrementar tus ventas, ya que permite configurar un correo electrónico como un simple recordatorio o incluso ofreciendo descuentos a los clientes. De esta forma, consigues incentivar a que los usuarios terminen el proceso de compra.

Para una mayor comodidad, estos emails pueden ser manuales o totalmente automatizados.

One Page Checkout PS

Proceso de compra mejorado

Incrementa tus ventas ofreciendo a tus clientes un proceso de compra rápido y sencillo en una sola página
110,00 €
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Abandoned Cart OPC
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Abandoned Cart OPC

Historial de versiones

Registro de cambios
4.0.2 (12/06/2023)
- Bug:
  - #ACOPC-I4: The module does not allow to create reminders with discounts only with free shipping.
  - #ACOPC-I5: Error when adding new images in email templates: The module does not save them on the server and they are not sent in emails.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #ACOPC-T4: New section in the customer's account to easily view and recover the shopping carts that have not finished. This helps improve the shopping experience and increase conversions.
  - #ACOPC-T5: Own newsletter system for sending module information.
4.0.1 (31/05/2022)
- Bug:
  - #ACOPC-103: The 'Remove carts simultaneously from your store' option on the Remove Carts tab doesn't work.
  - #ACOPC-101: The customer link in the abandoned cart list does not work.
  - #ACOPC-91: It is not possible to create more than one template with the same subject.
  - #ACOPC-89: The GDPR policy acceptance option does not work correctly.
  - #ACOPC-81: It does not load the cart with the customer's information when trying to retrieve it.
  - #ACOPC-76: The 'See email content' button in the 'Sent Emails' tab does not work.
  - #ACOPC-74: The module does not record abandoned carts from registered customers.
  - #ACOPC-73: Error occurs when switching between templates when trying to send an email to the customer from the abandoned cart list.
  - #ACOPC-72: Error when trying to send mail to the customer from the abandoned cart list when there are no templates created.
  - #ACOPC-71: Fatal error when trying to send the reminders manually.
  - #ACOPC-69: The 'Import carts' tab does not work correctly.
  - #ACOPC-63: Module loading performance issues.
- Compatibilities:
  - #ACOPC-88: Compatibility with new One Page Checkout PS - v4.1.1 - PresTeamShop.
4.0.0 (29/01/2021)
- New version for PrestaShop 1.7.
Compatible with versions greater than or equal to version 4.0.12 of the One Page Checkout PS module
1.1.5 (16/06/2023)
- Bug:
  - #ACOPC-I3: The module does not allow to create reminders with discounts only with free shipping.
  - #ACOPC-I5: Error when adding new images in email templates: The module does not save them on the server and they are not sent in emails.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #ACOPC-T11: New section in the customer's account to easily view and recover the shopping carts that have not finished. This helps improve the shopping experience and increase conversions.
  - #ACOPC-T6: Own newsletter system for sending module information.
1.1.4 (31/05/2022)
- Bug:
  - #ACOPC-106: The 'Remove carts simultaneously from your store' option on the Remove Carts tab doesn't work.
  - #ACOPC-97: The GDPR policy acceptance option does not work correctly.
  - #ACOPC-82: It does not load the cart with the customer's information when trying to retrieve it.
  - #ACOPC-80: Error when trying to recover the abandoned cart through the link sent to the email.
  - #ACOPC-78: The module does not record abandoned carts from registered customers.
  - #ACOPC-77: Error occurs when switching between templates when trying to send an email to the customer from the abandoned cart list.
  - #ACOPC-75: The 'See email content' button in the 'Sent Emails' tab does not work.
  - #ACOPC-64: Module loading performance issues.
1.1.3 (29/01/2021)
- Bug:
  - #ACOPC-6: Error importing shopping carts, some are not imported.
  - #ACOPC-19: Send incorrect data when sending mail to the customer.
  - #ACOPC-26: Do not send the mail from the 'Emulate sending mail' option when the template has not been saved yet.
  - #ACOPC-31: The SAVE button on the Reminders tab does not work.
  - #ACOPC-44: Error 500 when sending reminders.
- Compatibilities
  - #ACOPC-51: Add multi-store support.
- Improvement:
  - #ACOPC-27: Show the content of the template in the language that the cart was abandoned
- New Feature:
  - #ACOPC-1: RGPD Policy Acceptance Option
1.1.0 (15/08/2017)
V1.1.0 (15/08/2017)

- New version for PrestaShop 1.6